What Are The Benefits Of FRP Vs. Traditional Materials?

A: FRP has so many more advantages than traditional materials—traditional materials being wood or steel. Fiberglass is 1/3 the weight of steel and is corrosion-resistant, won’t rot, and does not need painting. When you’re choosing materials for building structures and other industrial applications, there’s no shortage of traditional options. Materials such as wood and steel […]
How Is Structural FRP Installed?

A: Structural FRP can be installed by using hand tools such as drills and circular saws. All the corners and pieces are put together mechanically, typically with 3/16 stainless steel bolts. Because FRP is 1/3 the weight of steel, you don’t need big heavy equipment, riggers and crane operators in there. A lot of this […]
How Do Waterparks Use FRP?

A: Fiberglass is used in all types of waterparks—mainly because they have to treat the water with chlorine, so the water is very corrosive. Fiberglass is used for access towers for areas of egress, it’s also used for sump covers. Even in general public areas as well where there are features that are ADA compliant. […]
Is FRP Used For Meat Processing Plants?

A: Absolutely, structural fiberglass (FRP) is an excellent building material for this kind of facility. Mainly because at the end of the shift, they have to clean the facilities. Typically, it’s highly corrosive bleach to clean the equipment and there’s where FRP’s corrosion resistance comes into play. It’s used typically in access level platforms, trench […]
Is FRP Waterproof?

A: Absolutely FRP is waterproof. Just like other building materials, it does have an absorption rate to it, but it’s very minimal compared to wood or something along those lines. When building structures in environments that encounter a lot of moisture; whether it be some substances or water—corrosion is always a major concern. In these […]
What Are The Different FRP Products And What Does DEFI Specialize In

A: FRP stands for fiber-reinforced plastics. It’s a generic term which can be used for different types of products in the marketplace. For us, we specialize in structural fiberglass—as in fiberglass channels, beams, square tubes, and fiberglass grating for walking surfaces—that is our specialty. We will take finished goods from the manufacturer and create fiberglass […]
FRP: How Strong Can It Really Be?

A: Pound for pound, structural FRP is as strong as its steel counterpart. Now, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to change an 8-inch steel beam with an exact 8-inch fiberglass beam. With a fiberglass structural beam, you may have to go a little bit thicker or deeper in the structural members. If you recognize […]
Can FRP Be Painted?

A: Absolutely FRP can be painted. There are going to be several steps that need to take place to prep the product you’re going to paint. You’ll need to grind the product down to the fiberglass strands so the paint has something to adhere to. Once that is done you can paint the fiberglass all […]
What Is The Difference Between FRP And GRP?

A: FRP stands for fiber-reinforced plastics, it’s a term typically used stateside here in North America. GRP is a term that means the same thing. But it’s generally used over in Europe and Asia and stands for glass-reinforced plastic. The backbone of the industrial revolution has always been thought to be led by the steel […]
How Is FRP Made?

A: FRP Is made in a variety of different ways depending on the product you’re making. Ours at DEFI is mainly made by the open mold process, hand layup, and the pultrusion process. FRP is not a new invention. In fact, FRP was invented over 110 years by Leo Baekeland, an American chemist who emigrated from […]