What Is Fiberglass Structural Tubing and Its Benefits?

Are you looking for a way to enhance the outcomes of your construction, marine, or automotive projects in 2023? It may be time to give fiberglass structural tubing a try. Sometimes run-of-the-mill building materials, like aluminum, steel, and wood, can’t solve your company’s design problems. However, structural fiberglass is an advanced material that offers seemingly endless possibilities. […]
Common FRP Installation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

FRP products can give you a competitive edge in today’s challenging economic climate. FRP is cost-effective, durable, and versatile. Structural FRP solutions include bridges, stair assemblies, platforms, handrails, and skids. No matter your industry, you’ll find many uses for FRP. However, FRP installation mistakes can prevent you from getting all the benefits of FRP. Learn […]
What Is Fiberglass Grating and How Is It Used?

The fiberglass grating market is predicted to grow over 4.4% CAGR between 2021 to 2027 because this is a building material in high demand for various reasons. Fiberglass grating options are essential for a wide scale of projects and types of construction. So this material is often used throughout many types of industries. But this grating may […]
What Are The OSHA Requirements For Handrails?

A: OSHA lays out in detail, what the requirements are for handrails—it’s under rule 1910. It gives specific details on what’s required, specifically, the handrails need to be 42 inches tall. They also may require that you install toe plates to avoid things being kicked off the structure. Fiberglass is the better choice for any […]
How Is FRP Used?

A: Fiberglass is used in a variety of industries in a variety of applications. You’ll be shocked to know that fiberglass is used in waterparks, car washes, and all types of commercial applications. Of course, it’s used in industrial applications—offshore oil and gas-related industries as well. Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) continues to grow in popularity […]
Can FRP Break?

A: Absolutely, just like any other building material, FRP can break. But typically, you will hear some cracking or something along those lines that gives you an idea that something’s going on. In every industry, from home renovation to manufacturing, fiber-reinforced plastic or FRP is surging in popularity. It’s become a mainstay of the global […]
Can FRP Be Used To Build Sunshades?

A: Absolutely. Fiberglass can be used in all different types of applications—sunshades are one of them. Architects love the cosmetic design of fiberglass and the flexibility with colors and shapes. Office and other commercial building spaces in major metropolitan areas are quite expensive to suitably maintain. For one, the rent is usually much higher than […]
Can FRP Be Used In Construction?

A: Absolutely, it can be used in commercial and industrial construction as well. There’s a variety of uses for structural fiberglass, it’s not just tied into offshore applications or chemical plants and refineries. The materials chosen for any construction project are critical to its success, durability, and structural integrity. To choose the proper materials for […]
Structural Fiberglass 2021 Outlook

Structural fiberglass is a form of FRP that is exploding in usage across a wide variety of industries. Its popularity is due to it being lightweight, stronger than most traditional materials, and more durable. It won’t corrode like steel, doesn’t rot like wood, and it maintains its structural integrity in the harshest environments. These properties […]
What Are The Benefits Of FRP Vs. Traditional Materials?

A: FRP has so many more advantages than traditional materials—traditional materials being wood or steel. Fiberglass is 1/3 the weight of steel and is corrosion-resistant, won’t rot, and does not need painting. When you’re choosing materials for building structures and other industrial applications, there’s no shortage of traditional options. Materials such as wood and steel […]