What Is The Safest Ladder To Use Around Electricity?

A: Absolutely, fiberglass is the best construction material for a ladder because it’s inherently non-conductive. When it comes to safety in the workplace, there are many risk factors at play no matter the environment. Whether it be a chemical plant, water treatment plant, refinery, or any other industrial facility you have many of the same […]
What Is Structural FRP?

A: Structural FRP is commonly referred to as H-beams, wide flange beams, and can even be square tube. Commonly, those applications are for walkways and catwalks and it can even be for ladders with cages. While FRP panels and grating are fairly commonplace in the realm of building materials, FRP is also used for structural […]
What Are The Different Types Of Fiberglass?

A: At DEFI structural fiberglass, we use three methods of fiberglass—pultrusion, open-molded, and hand layup. Pultrusion is something you would typically see in a fiberglass channel, beam, or even square tube that we use in handrails and ladders. Open molded typically refers to the fiberglass grating—open molded grating. The hand layup is when we would […]
What Are FRP Beams?

A: Typically, FRP stands for fiber reinforced plastic and the FRP beams are normally referred to as wide flange beams, channels, and H beams. Those typical applications are for walkways, catwalks, and anywhere where corrosion resistance is needed for an application vs. traditional materials. FRP has gone from a relatively unknown product a few decades […]